Ultherapy®: Why Patients Are Raving About This Noninvasive Skin-Tightening Procedure

Ultherapy for Non-Invasive Skin Tightening

Most people expect to see changes in their skin as they grow older, but that doesn’t mean they're happy about it when it happens. Fortunately, there are ways to protect your skin’s healthy and youthful appearance without surgical procedures like face-lifts.

As Chief of the Division of Dermatologic & Cosmetic Surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, you can rely on Dr. Hooman Khorsani to bring the latest anti-aging techniques to the Upper East Side in New York. And they include the latest noninvasive face-lift technology that everyone is raving about: Ultherapy.

It’s all about collagen production

As you age, your body begins making less collagen and elastin, which are the connective proteins that give your skin its firmness and elasticity. When this happens, your skin begins to grow saggy while fine lines and wrinkles also appear. Ultherapy works by triggering collagen production in your skin to restore its texture and tone.

Ultherapy is an FDA-cleared technology that uses ultrasound energy to trigger the natural healing process in your skin. Ultrasound is a type of digital imaging technology that uses high-frequency sound waves to create pictures of organs and structures within your body. When used in Ultherapy, this energy jumpstarts the healing process underneath your skin -- so collagen returns to the area -- without disturbing it on the surface.

During your treatment, Dr. Khorsani uses a specially designed applicator to deliver these healing ultrasound waves to your body. He often recommends Ultherapy for several areas, including your:

  • Chest
  • Neck
  • Brow
  • Chin

Though you shouldn’t think of Ultherapy as a substitute for a traditional surgical face-lift, you can expect to see exceptional results that restore your youthful appearance without any side effects or downtime.

Ultherapy provides results fast

An Ultherapy session with Dr. Khorsani takes anywhere from 60-90 minutes, except for chest treatments, which last approximately 30 minutes.

At your initial consultation, Dr. Khorsani evaluates your skin, discusses your concerns, and develops a personalized approach to help you achieve your overall goals. Even though you can expect to see remarkable results after a single treatment, he might suggest a series of Ultherapy sessions to provide maximum benefit.

To prepare for your treatment, Dr. Khorsani applies ultrasound gel to the problem area. This substance helps conduct ultrasound energy when he presses the Ultherapy applicator against your skin. When your session begins, the Ultherapy system provides detailed imaging of the site to help Dr. Khorsani determine the ideal depth to deliver the ultrasound energy. You shouldn’t have any pain or discomfort while having Ultherapy, but you may notice small amounts of energy in the area while it’s underway.

After having Ultherapy, you can resume normal activities immediately. It’s common to have mild swelling, redness, or tenderness in the area, but you can expect this to fade quickly. Many men and women notice immediate improvements after having Ultherapy, but you’ll continue seeing your skin lift and tighten for up to three months as healthy, new collagen appears in the area.

To learn more about why men and women are raving about Ultherapy, call Dr. Hooman Khorsani, or schedule an appointment online today.

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Ultherapy®: Why Patients Are Raving About This Noninvasive Skin-Tightening Procedure

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